Pro-Cloud API Web Service
Pro-Cloud API Web Service

Uri: http://localhost:60868/ProCloudWS.asmx

All Operations
This web method is used to raise a bulk transfer, it is recommended the items to be transferred are first validated using the ActivityBulkTransferValidator method.
This web method is used to return a dataset containing a details about the current state of a transfer along with details for each line.
This web method is used to return a dataset containing a details about the current state of a transfer.
This web method is used to validate the transfer items and will return a dataset containing details of the items and if they have been validated or not.
This web method allows you to cancel an activity. You will need to add an activity id that you want to cancel and user email address.
This web method returns a list of available activity types (TypeId) setup in the system, the ids returned by this web method are used in other web services such as CreateActivityForNewServiceUser and CreateActivityForExistingServiceUser.

This web method returns a list of all the addresses setup in the system, the ids returned by this are used by a number of other web methods.


This web method returns details. values and locations of all Assets setup in the system .


This web method is used for adding a new Attribute Value to an Attribute Group Instance. An Attribute Group is a standard collection of Attribute Values that are then assigned to an asset. When you create a new instance of an Attribute Group, it creates a Attribute Group Instance with an assigned AttribGroupInstanceID. This AttribGroupInstanceID can then be assigned to an Asset and have Attribute Values assigned to it. This service allows you to add new attribute values to an existing Attribute Group Instance.


This web method is used for deleting an Attribute Value from an Attribute Group Instance.


This web method is used for getting all the Attribute Values for a given Attribute Group Instance ID.

This web method is used for getting a list of Attribute Group Instance IDs and Attribute Value IDs for attributes by their stored value.

This web method is used for updating an attribute using the unique AttibValueID. AttribValueID can be obtained by using the two web services, AttributeValueGetByValue and AttributeValueGetByInstanceID

This web method returns contract details running under a specfic provider branch.
This web method allows to create an activity for a new service user that currently does not exists in the system. Service User name, contact details and address details will be required in order to raise a hire delivery in the system. TypeId (15) will allow users to create a hire request for an asset. "ActivityTypeGet" web method returns all available Activity Types. Similarly, Activity Response Time can also be determined from "ResponseTimesGet" Web Method in order to raise an activity with appropriate speed code.
This web method allows to create an activity for an existing service user in the system. ServiceUserId, AddressId and other fields will be required in order to raise an activity. TypeId (15) will allow users to create a delivery request for an EIN. TypeId (16) will allow users to create a collection request for an EIN. "ActivityTypeGet" web method returns all available Activity Types. Similarly, Activity Response Time can also be determined from "ResponseTimesGet" Web Method in order to raise an activity with appropriate speed code. Please note that response times are setup by activity type in the system.
This web method is used to return a list of despatch methods that can be used then raising transfers using the ActivityBulkTransferInternalCreate method.

This web method alows you to exchange a number of eins to a different product type in bulk

This web method is used for obtaining information about the last activity for a given asset number.
This web method is used for obtaining information for a given asset number.
This web method is used for obtaining item history information for a given asset number.
This web method returns a list of view modes supported by the EinInfoItemHistoryGet web method.
This web method is used for obtaining status history information for a given asset number.

This web method allows you to translate if needed and return an assets details.

This web method returns results from a search of general assets
This webmethod allows you to export the content of the static line ledger.
This webmethod allows you to export the content of the static part ledger.
This webmethod allows you to export the content of the static rental ledger.
This webmethod allows you to export the content of the static response ledger.
This webmethod allows you to export the content of the static po delivery cost ledger.
This webmethod allows you to export the content of the static po line ledger.
This web method is used to manifest an activity in the system.
This web method is used to unmanifest an activity in the system.
This web method returns a list of service users, the service user ID and default address ID are both used within the ordering process
This web method returns a list of move rules setup in the system.
This web method allows the batch movement of assets around the pro cloud system.
This web method is used to assign a pick to a picker in the system (this is depending if you have the pick assignment feature enabled).
This web method is used to remove a pick assignment in system (this is depending if you have the pick assignment feature enabled).

This web method is used to return a dataset containing the number of pick items with reason codes for a given order.

This web method is used to return a dataset containing the number of pick items with reason codes for the given period.

This web method returns a list of all the branches setup in the system, the ids returned by this are used by a number of other web methods.


This web method alows you to changes the users default location to another branch.

This web method is used to return a list purchase orders that require synchronising with the remote database based on the passed sync state id.
This web method is used to download the purchasing expenditure by branch for the passed date range.
This web method is used to get the purchase order details for the passed purchase order id.
This web method is used to acknowledge that the passed purchase order id has been successfully synchronised with the remote database.

This web method alows you to remove a branch from a user.

This web method is used to add/update a supplier in the system.
This web method is used to return the suppliers details setup in the system.
This web method is used to return a list of suppliers setup in the system.
This web method is used to search for suppliers matching the passed search value.

This web method alows you to add an additional user.


This web method alows you to enable or disable an existing user.

This web method is used to return a list of users setup in the system based on the passed filters.
This web method is used to search for users setup in the system.
This web method returns a list of all the usertypes setup in the system, the ids returned by this are used by a number of other web methods.

This web method alows you to update an existing user.


This web method is used to set the pin code for the user for logging into the device.

This web method is used to set the NFC tag login code for the user for logging into the device.
This web method returns response speeds for a contract. "ContractId" field can be obtained via"ContractGetByProviderBranch" web method.

This web method returns the details of any maintenance tasks that have been setup against an asset

This web method will create a service user record
This web method returns a list of all open activities for a service user. "ServiceUserId" field is required in order to get all pending activities for this service user. "ManifestingServiceUserSearch" web method can be used to find a valid "ServiceUserId".
This web method returns a list of all EINs currently with a service user. ServiceUserId is required in order to get all EINS delivered to this service user. "ManifestingServiceUserSearch" web method can be used to find a valid "ServiceUserId".
This web method is used to return a list of despatch methods that can be used then raising transfers using the ActivityBulkTransferInternalCreate method.
This web method returns a list of stock movement statuses setup in the system.
This web method returns a list of reasons for moving items into the passed status. If one or more reasons are returned, then one of these reason ids is to be passed into the MoveStockItemEinBatch web method.
This web method allows you to convert the legacy or GS1 barcode id that is passed into a Pro-Cloud asset id, which can then be used by other web methods.
This web method returns a list of translation modes that can be used by the TranslateBarcodeToEin web method.